'The King' Charlie Hurley:
Celebrating the life of Charlie Hurley this weekend

On Saturday, Sunderland AFC players, staff and supporters will come together at the Stadium of Light to celebrate the life of Charlie Hurley. 

Named the Club’s Player of the Century in 1979, last week Charlie sadly passed away aged 87.

A range of tributes are scheduled to take place on the Club’s final matchday of the 2023-24 season to honour the seismic impact ‘The King’ made on Wearside. 

This includes Club representatives observing a period of remembrance at the Charlie Hurley gates on Saturday morning before a minute’s applause is held ahead of kick-off. 

The Club’s players will also wear special warm-up tops remembering Charlie before entering the field of play to Z-Cars, which is synonymous with the icon’s unforgettable time on Wearside.  

In the Roker End, supporters’ group This is Wearside plan to unveil a new flag honouring the greatest centre half the world has ever seen. 

And a selection of Charlie’s former team-mates will also be in attendance to share their personal memories, including Jimmy Montgomery, Colin Todd, Colin Suggett, Ritchie Pitt, Bobby Kerr and Jimmy Shoulder.  Charlie spent 12 years on Wearside, but his legacy will forever endure.  

He loved Sunderland and on Saturday, Sunderland will show just how much we loved him.